About the server

Flagruns is a Cube 2: Sauerbraten server. It runs a cool mod to make flagrunning in Sauer more fun and easy, and is based on pisto's spaghettimod. Its main features include:

  • no 5-second respawn wait
  • always spawn near the enemy flag
  • no collisions with enemies - you will instead see them as a map prop
  • your current time in milliseconds is displayed in the scoreboard ping column
  • stats tracking with authkey support
  • name protection

The server runs a similar mod to the one that powered Flagrun.me in 2015-16, a server also dedicated to flagrunning that was originally coded and managed by pisto, Honzik1 and Obstriegel.

The Flagruns server and dashboard are currently hosted by benzomatic. If you have any server related questions or feature ideas, stop by the Sauer Server Mods discord!

captain cannon presenting

Server Commands

  • #ghosts <all|others|none> - Since you will not see other players, you can toggle whether or not to display them as mapmodels:
    • all: show all mapmodels, including yourself
    • others: only show the others as mapmodels
    • none: hide all mapmodels

  • #record / #rank - View the current map record as well as your personal best time (PB)

  • #top10 - View the all-time top 10 runs on your current mode / map

  • /getdemo - Check out how the current map record holder did it, by issuing /getdemo without any id

  • /setmaster 1 - Claim master with this command (or through the master menu) to be able to switch modes and maps, as seen below.

  • /map <mapname> - Start a new map on your current mode (effic ctf, insta ctf or ctf)

  • /instactf <mapname> - Start a new insta ctf game on the specified map
    /efficctf <mapname> - Start a new effic ctf game on the specified map
    /ctf <mapname> - Start a new weaponless game on the specified map

Server messages


Flagrun time: 11.617 seconds | first: +0.163, PB: -1.082, record: +2.345 | pings: 37/33

  • first: - the diff between you <-> fastest connected player
  • PB: - the diff between you <-> your PB (personal best) on this mode/map
  • record: - the diff between you <-> the server record
  • pings: Sometimes, the latency you have when picking up the flag differs from your latency when you score. Because this could create an unfair record in some circumstances, the server will approximate the real flagrun time using the "pick ping" and "score ping". These values are displayed here. If the pings differ too much, the run is reset.

Server authkey

Login successful.Your records will be saved as "sauername".
You authenticated as 'sauername' [flagruns:name]

Being logged in means that all runs now count toward the name that is registered, no matter your current name. If you don't see this, try /autoauth 1 and reconnect. Alternatively, /auth flagruns:name to authenticate manually. Disabling the autoauth will lead to flagruns being counted toward your current name. Authkeys and installation help can be had on the authkey page.


Connect ingame with /connect flagruns.com - Good luck and have fun! Beat everyone's records! :D